You guys, just in case you didn't know:
I won't be updating this blog for a while. I'm in fact on a trip around "the world". Well, at least America, Mexico and the Philipines.
I'm having a blog about that though. It might be interesting if you would follow that one. It updates way more frequently than this blog.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Looking for Group: Richard

Looking for Group started as a webcomic, based on World of Warcraft, however, after a while it became a webcomic that's less based on WoW and more on Fantasy in general.
I think LFG is a great webcomic, and the main reason for that is one of the characters: Richard
Richard is the (undead) main warlock of the group. He's evil, cruel and has a great sense of humor!
His full title is: Chief warlock of the brothers of darkness, lord of the thirtheen hells, master of the bones, emperor of the black and Lord of the dance.
(Titles are earned by kills, so I guess you know he is pretty magic-trigger-happy)
Okay, why start about Looking for Group this time?
Simple. A while ago, LFG joined forces with 'blind ferret entertainment' and made an awesome animated movie, starring Richard before he joined forces with the rest of the group. People thought the world would explode frome awesomeness, but it didn't!
(I link you to youtube, so you can see for yourself), that song was a cover of disneys "Little mermaid" song, but with a text that suites Richard very well.
Richard's voice is done by Dave Mitchell, who's a great voice actor!
Now, Dave and Ryan McCahan (the maker of the LFG comic) are back! Ryan made a page where Richard is singing "Never gonna give you up", and asked Dave to sing the song for real in Richard's voice!
(It's just a song, so there is no animation)
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Now, here's a random LFG page for you!

It's a really cool site, and a great webcomic!
Enjoy! I recommend it!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Exams exams
Just 18 days left, till my exams start!
Waaah! And I still have so much to do! I have to learn 8 subjects still!
I'm worried most about mathematics! Man, I suck in math! I know how to do, like, everything, but I just don't know when I have to do which specific thing! It's just... hard...
And that's not all, biology is supposed to be very hard in our exams. That's not very promising, when I have just one point better than the minimum you must have...
Art History is not that hard, just a lot to read (like a few books?), and you have to know every single page of them... Just a lot, no problem.
Lucky me, there is also one subject, which I don't have to do anything for: English! Yaaay! Thanks to the movies, thanks to anime, thanks to the internet!
All hail the internet!
*Internet hail*
Everyone who hails with me, gets a coupon for one free internet
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Robot Wars! xD
Heeeya folks!
So, what's on my mind this time? Well... I'll tell you... It must be something you might have heard of... it... is...
Yeah, hand-made machines that work on infra-red and designed just to kill all other machines! These machines are designed to crush, kill and destroy! How brutal!
Okay, so, what ís robot wars? Well, robot wars is some kind of tournament between robot-engineers. They design their own, unique robot that is able to flip, saw, burn, cut, crush, etc. the other robots! You win the match if your robot is nót destroyed, and you are able to advance to the next round!
So, let me introduce some of the guys I still remember from the good old days:
Whoa! I remember this guy! He had this large claw on top of him! It could flip opponents, it could carry them with his claw, but his true strenght was his crushing-power!
Anyway, this design was memorial!
Next up:

I always thought this was a funny guy! It's only weapon was a horizontal, spinning disk, which was about 1/3 of it's whole body.
The funny thing was: it was pretty fast, easy to manouver, and it was damn original! Yeah, and it was funny! If you watched it too long from above, you got hypnotized and wanted to yell, "Hypnodisk, Hypnodisk, Yeah!"
Damn... time is running out again... and I was having fun too!
Too bad... maybe more next time...
Hmm, maybe I should build my own war-robot once...
And now: fun! A song about a crazy robotteer!
So, what's on my mind this time? Well... I'll tell you... It must be something you might have heard of... it... is...
Yeah, hand-made machines that work on infra-red and designed just to kill all other machines! These machines are designed to crush, kill and destroy! How brutal!
Okay, so, what ís robot wars? Well, robot wars is some kind of tournament between robot-engineers. They design their own, unique robot that is able to flip, saw, burn, cut, crush, etc. the other robots! You win the match if your robot is nót destroyed, and you are able to advance to the next round!
So, let me introduce some of the guys I still remember from the good old days:

Whoa! I remember this guy! He had this large claw on top of him! It could flip opponents, it could carry them with his claw, but his true strenght was his crushing-power!
Anyway, this design was memorial!
Next up:

I always thought this was a funny guy! It's only weapon was a horizontal, spinning disk, which was about 1/3 of it's whole body.
The funny thing was: it was pretty fast, easy to manouver, and it was damn original! Yeah, and it was funny! If you watched it too long from above, you got hypnotized and wanted to yell, "Hypnodisk, Hypnodisk, Yeah!"
Damn... time is running out again... and I was having fun too!
Too bad... maybe more next time...
Hmm, maybe I should build my own war-robot once...
And now: fun! A song about a crazy robotteer!
Friday, April 4, 2008
So, what's news?

I was posting on my travel-blog, when I started thinking. I just typed "Well, there's nothing new...", when I thought, "So, nothing new uh? What IS new, and what is NEWS?"
That was just the beginning of my thoughts on the roll: "Something must be news when it is new! But what is new? Do you place anything new in the news? Off course not! It must also be interesting! It must be relevant for a person to be news, you know what I mean? When there's a new kind of fishing rod... WHO CARES! But wait, there might be fisherman who think it's interesting!..."
Anyway, how does news change you? Is it so that TV has a lot of impact, and you take over opinions, because you are afraid to just be the ugly duck in the mass? If you watch a lot of TV, do you get influenced more than others? Do you start looking wrong at reality when you watch a lot of soaps?
Or maybe, news doesn't have any influence at all, if you're not interested! You get more worked up over something that you're interested in, right?
If that would be the case, than TV DOES have a way to change you and your opinion: if they show you A LOT of something you're not interested in, and show ALMOST NOTHING you are VERY interested in, don't you start having a change of heart? I guess you'd get attracted to the news you see a lot, 'cause you get to know more, and you suddenly are eager for more!
Waaah! They are brainwashing you!!!
Now we are talking about brainwashing... isn't it possible for those newspeople to MAKE YOUR opinion? I mean, if they showed someone just one side of the story...
For example, the new movie "Fitna", from Geert Wilders of the Dutch parlement. It shows all of the bad things that muslims have done. September 11, the undergrounds of Madrid, metro of London... If you see just one side of the story, that's just a mediaframe... I told you, they are brainwashing you!
Also, do you make your own opinions, or do you just follow someone else's ones? You have leaders and followers...
Bwaah, just to get back on that mediaframe. I guess it's just like "The Epic Battle between Good and Evil, only it becomes more something like "The Epic Battle between Good and just a little Less Good"
But that's something to think about another time! Gotta go!
Boop, questioning things sure consumes time! Any question I try to answer, automatically lets me plonder about dozens more! Waah!
Boop, there I go again...
See you next time!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
here I am. Dreaming of this far, far away place, created by giant Elvis-immitators. Those 'titans' are the holy Gods of the world they created: "Erfworld"
"Hmm... What the Boop is Erfworld?", is on your mind, right?
Well, first off all, Erfworld is a world, far away from here. People don't get born... they are "popped"! Just like that! They don't even know what a "child" is!
The rulers of Factions in Erfworld control creatures. Those might be Marbits, Orly's, Gobwins, Dwagon's, Spidew's, Twolls, one of the (many!) Elven branches and many, many more!
Also, you don't work for food. If your 'upkeep' is paid at the end of the day, your meals will just 'Pop' into existence! (And expect some weird names there too! Happy Meals become Stupid Meals!)
Bwaah, okay, so, that's not that impressive? Okay, how about the weird kind of magic? Moneymancy (to create more money?), Luckamancy (gain more luck), Dirtamancy (believe me, it's worse than it sounds) and more (like... 36 lores?)
Oh, don't forget the warpaint of the elite knights! They look like "Kiss"! People know "Dance Fighting"! (You know, like a dance-off)
Oooh, I allmost forgot one of the most awesome, and powerfull items in all of Erfworld! The Arkenhammer! ... Oh, wait, it looks like it's a rubber hammer? So what! It can tame friggin Dwagons!
Also, don't forget: You can't say curse-words... You'll just say "Boop" instead.
Boop! What's this booping boop? I can't say boop? Boop me in the boop!
There's many, many more...
Okay, maybe that booped, but I guess you have to read the comic for yourself. Don't be afraid if you don't get all the jokes. Maybe you don't even think it's funny, or you might not understand ANYTHING at all! Well, in that case, just read it again. It will all become clear after you read it all a few times!
I recommend it, but it just EATS your time, so don't get addicted! (The comic updates once a week, and you can find the archive here)
here I am. Dreaming of this far, far away place, created by giant Elvis-immitators. Those 'titans' are the holy Gods of the world they created: "Erfworld"

"Hmm... What the Boop is Erfworld?", is on your mind, right?
Well, first off all, Erfworld is a world, far away from here. People don't get born... they are "popped"! Just like that! They don't even know what a "child" is!
The rulers of Factions in Erfworld control creatures. Those might be Marbits, Orly's, Gobwins, Dwagon's, Spidew's, Twolls, one of the (many!) Elven branches and many, many more!
Also, you don't work for food. If your 'upkeep' is paid at the end of the day, your meals will just 'Pop' into existence! (And expect some weird names there too! Happy Meals become Stupid Meals!)
Bwaah, okay, so, that's not that impressive? Okay, how about the weird kind of magic? Moneymancy (to create more money?), Luckamancy (gain more luck), Dirtamancy (believe me, it's worse than it sounds) and more (like... 36 lores?)
Oh, don't forget the warpaint of the elite knights! They look like "Kiss"! People know "Dance Fighting"! (You know, like a dance-off)
Oooh, I allmost forgot one of the most awesome, and powerfull items in all of Erfworld! The Arkenhammer! ... Oh, wait, it looks like it's a rubber hammer? So what! It can tame friggin Dwagons!
Also, don't forget: You can't say curse-words... You'll just say "Boop" instead.
Boop! What's this booping boop? I can't say boop? Boop me in the boop!
There's many, many more...
Okay, maybe that booped, but I guess you have to read the comic for yourself. Don't be afraid if you don't get all the jokes. Maybe you don't even think it's funny, or you might not understand ANYTHING at all! Well, in that case, just read it again. It will all become clear after you read it all a few times!
I recommend it, but it just EATS your time, so don't get addicted! (The comic updates once a week, and you can find the archive here)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Welcome, aprils fools day!
This first message has two meanings:
First of all, I would like to welcome you to my new, personal blog. I made a weblog last month, because I am about to travel abroad, and with a weblog, people will know what I'm doing! (You should check the link in the "Links"-section in the menu if you are interested!) So after I started to work on it, I thought it would be nice to have a more personal weblog, where I can spam random ideas and stuff! You know, like a diary, and some kind of list of ideas, maybe even a webcomic or poetry (in those emo-kind of periods)!
Secondly, I want to tell everybody that it's april's fools day! Bwah, I didn't even get fooled once! Actually, that's becaus I was prepared. When I arrived at school, all I had to do was untie my shoelaces, unzip my pants, and that kind of stuff.
"Say, Frederik, you dó know that your shoelaces ar... what the! They really ARE untied!", was the most spoken line to me this day...
You can't trick the tricker!
This first message has two meanings:
First of all, I would like to welcome you to my new, personal blog. I made a weblog last month, because I am about to travel abroad, and with a weblog, people will know what I'm doing! (You should check the link in the "Links"-section in the menu if you are interested!) So after I started to work on it, I thought it would be nice to have a more personal weblog, where I can spam random ideas and stuff! You know, like a diary, and some kind of list of ideas, maybe even a webcomic or poetry (in those emo-kind of periods)!
Secondly, I want to tell everybody that it's april's fools day! Bwah, I didn't even get fooled once! Actually, that's becaus I was prepared. When I arrived at school, all I had to do was untie my shoelaces, unzip my pants, and that kind of stuff.
"Say, Frederik, you dó know that your shoelaces ar... what the! They really ARE untied!", was the most spoken line to me this day...
You can't trick the tricker!
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