So, what's on my mind this time? Well... I'll tell you... It must be something you might have heard of... it... is...
Yeah, hand-made machines that work on infra-red and designed just to kill all other machines! These machines are designed to crush, kill and destroy! How brutal!
Okay, so, what ís robot wars? Well, robot wars is some kind of tournament between robot-engineers. They design their own, unique robot that is able to flip, saw, burn, cut, crush, etc. the other robots! You win the match if your robot is nót destroyed, and you are able to advance to the next round!
So, let me introduce some of the guys I still remember from the good old days:

Whoa! I remember this guy! He had this large claw on top of him! It could flip opponents, it could carry them with his claw, but his true strenght was his crushing-power!
Anyway, this design was memorial!
Next up:

I always thought this was a funny guy! It's only weapon was a horizontal, spinning disk, which was about 1/3 of it's whole body.
The funny thing was: it was pretty fast, easy to manouver, and it was damn original! Yeah, and it was funny! If you watched it too long from above, you got hypnotized and wanted to yell, "Hypnodisk, Hypnodisk, Yeah!"
Damn... time is running out again... and I was having fun too!
Too bad... maybe more next time...
Hmm, maybe I should build my own war-robot once...
And now: fun! A song about a crazy robotteer!
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